Friday 20 September 2019

NECA Toony Terrors vs Scooby Doo. The Lost Mysteries

 NECAs Toony Terrors line of figures seem influenced by the art work of ibtrav who meshed classic horror villains into the Scooby Doo style to show us the 'lost mysteries' of mystery inc.
 Though slightly taller than the Scooby Doo action figure line the Toony Terrors do still gel pretty well on display with them.

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Tales From The Crypt British Edition

In 1954 the UK saw it's own short lived run of EC comic reprints. Two issues of Tales From The Crypt, one issue of The Haunt of Fear and supposedly one issue of The Vault of Horror though I have yet to find any images of Vault. Much like in american, horror comics in the UK were used as an easy target to blame for children behaving badly so that parents didn't have to face any hard truths about their own parenting ability. As always the government were quick to jump on the bandwagon so that they could appear to be fixing a complex problem but not having to actually do anything other than censoring harmless comic books with no evidence to back up any of the accusations against such material. EC comics were quickly banned in the UK and the few issues that were produced have become rather rare and almost forgotten.

Saturday 7 September 2019

Death's Head

Death's Head returns to Marvel comics with his own title again, returning to his original design. After his introduction in the 80s Marvel UK comic his design was updated for his own series. He then underwent a radical make over with an EXTREME 90s look in the Death's Head II series. It's good to see him back in his original design. The over the top muscular 90s cyborg look is so out.

Sunday 1 September 2019

Ghostbusters EC Comics Homages

IDW homaged EC with their Mars Attacks comics and continue the trend with the cover of Ghostbusters Get Real issue 2. Inspired by The Vault of Horror issue 25.
The Real Ghostbusters animated series also gave a nod to EC with a Weird Science style comic book cover featuring in the episode Mr Sandman, Dream me a Dream. 

Mars Attacks EC Comics Homages

IDW homaged EC comics Weird Science covers, in particular Wally Woods art work with their Mars Attacks First Born covers. Appropriate as Wally Wood helped design the Martian for Mars Attacks and EC comics were an influence in the creation of the original Mars Attacks Topps cards.